Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Where Did The Day Go?

I often wonder about this whole Daylight Savings Time thing. I drove home from Cliff Mautner's studio yesterday around 5:15 and saw the sky fading into night over the course of my drive home. His place is only about 20 minutes from here and in those few fleeting moments, I welcomed evening from my car. Only problem is, I still had so many hours of work to go at home! But my body saw the night and became tired and ready to chill out! I know Daylight Savings serves a purpose, but I feel like I rush around now to get things done before I lose the light!! I have to start my days earlier and I want to end them sooner. I must say I am a fan of cozy candle light evenings, but I miss the summer sun so much! You could photograph well into the 8:00 hour and still have warm light to play with. Now, I have to make it a point to go outside by 5:00 so I get to see the day turn into night. I have this crazy obsession with the last light of every day. I always make it a point to bid farewell to the day and say thank you for gracing us with light! I find myself going out to see night-fall so darn early now. I am not so sure I am a fan of this new time. Might as well embrace it, we have a whole winter ahead of us! But one thing is for sure: I can't wait to "spring ahead!" (And yes, losing an hour of sleep is so very worth gaining more hours of wonderful light!)