Thursday, August 26, 2010

You Make Me Smile {South Jersey Photographer}

With only a couple of weeks left until school starts, I am looking at my "summer to do list" and thinking, ugh I didn't do half of what I hoped to do this season. So here I am cramming all my ideas and projects into a few days..... I remember telling my daughter that we had to do her summer photos way back when it was still spring. But the warm days just floated by and suddenly, I have a soon to be 6th grader with no summer photos! So we took a ride to Main Street in Medford, NJ for a few quick photos for her scrapbook. She makes me smile! She's such a ham... when she wants to be. :)

This fall, she's starting middle school. I just can't believe it! She tells me there are "dances" this year. (dresses to buy!!!! OH MY!) I am excited for her, but kind of sad that time is flying by so fast. She's always been my baby girl, but look at her now!!! Yes, she's still my baby!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Visit From Heaven {South Jersey Children's Photographer}

Meet D, N, and Mason! Yes, there are 3 kids in these photos..... Mason is there in spirit. He went to Heaven when he was just a little guy, and his family knows he will always be with them in so many ways. The balloons and flowers are for him. We decided to let the balloons go at the end of our session in honor of Mason. And after we did, this amazing butterfly came to the garden to see us. Incredible! I LOVE these kids!!! I wish I could share every shot!!
This session is very special to me. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to capture a moment that a family will have forever. It's a story and a memory. Let's dream something together.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Cabbage Patch Kids! {South Jersey Children's Photographer}

Where do babies come from??? The cabbage patch of course!!! How great is it that there was a wonderful farm only minutes from this incredible family's house!! Thank you, Stella's Farm for letting us take over a shady grove and make these photos! :) We spent the day putting the twins N and N to sleep while big sister B explored the farm. What fun! Baby boy N loved sleeping outside in the shade of the trees, while baby girl N loved being without her diaper.... (yikes) Big sister B was sooo good and such a cutie, oh my!!! A big thanks to their mommy and mom-mom for all their help with this session!!