Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Little Christmas {South Jersey Lifestyle Photographer}

Well, here we are Christmas 2010! Where did time go?? It's been quite an unusual year. Lots of changes happened here at the Albertson Casa. But we are still blessed this year the same as all our other amazing years past. It's not about what we lost, but what we still have to enjoy!
My new project inspired by a dear friend is called "finding gratitude everyday". There truly is so much to be grateful for. And sometimes it gets hard to see, but I will plow through that smoke and dust until I find something that I am grateful for every single day. I will start with my family. Love is better than any gift ever! I'd always choose love over a present! No gifts necessary! We are having a merry LITTLE Christmas here this year, but it still feels like any other year filled with love. This Christmas, I wish everyone could look past the bags and boxes and wrapping paper to see, REALLY SEE, the people you are giving those gifts to. Tell them how lucky you are to have them and thank them for all they have given you. That's the kind of Christmas we are having. I wish everyone a merry little Christmas of their own!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Percentages {South Jersey Lifestyle Photographer}

These kids are 100% cute.
Our holiday session orders are 95% done.
The new blog-site is 80% complete.
My Christmas shopping is 0% started! :)
I have to get shopping!! Have a wonderful day!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

For Valarie and Tom {South Jersey Photographer}

I met Valarie 13 Years ago. Twelve years ago she became my "cousin-in-law". From day one, she and her family were dear friends of mine. I was honored to be a guest.... YES, a guest, at her wedding this past weekend. (I'm so used to being the paid photographer that it took some time to adjust to the pleasure of being a guest and not being at work) I brought along my camera to see what I could find "from my seat" ;) I am so crazy about photos, it was hard for me to stay put!! Here are a few little finds from the day. I tried to not use any strobe at all, I tried to stay in my seat and I tried to stay out of my fellow photog's way :) Congratulations, Valarie and Tom!!
Valarie, I have never seen you so happy! I remember you and I at all those home demonstrations over the years, buying baskets and Tupperware thinking, how exciting it would be for you to get married and use all your great stuff! Well, your day has come and you deserve all the happiness in the world!! Hold onto every second!!